Thursday, August 7, 2008

ronstudios Activites

Celebrating Nana's birthday 0n 08/08/08 at Ampang. Best gile sampai aku sebat daging kambing sebanyak-banyaknya smpi naik darah aku.hhuhuh

The JPM was giving me a chance to visit ASTRO for Academic Visit. Thanks to them. I really appreciate it. But, when we look inside the building, its consists of several departments (broadcasting, radios and etc). For me, that kind of working environment doesnt help people to be a creative, productive workers. I just dont know why I judged it such way. But, believe me. The broadcasting works is tiring because the real-time matters is the one that we should care, concern on everytime. I just leave the others for your judgement


Sang SyaffeQ said...

Ron aku tak pandai nak tulis dalam BI,design untk gambr ni sume aku suke siap jelez lagi.Tapi gambar ko tu,apesal gelap.

Nk gak tngok muka tuan gambo ni.hehe.Ape2 pon kau sumber inspirasiku,hikhik

Main2 je lh,jgn ko prasan plak.

ronstudios a.k.a Abdul Hadi said...

cet syafiq..
aku saje wat gelap..
tak nak org nampak muka sebenar aku..sbb gmbr ni aku ada pakai untuk web lain..

Sang SyaffeQ said...

gmbar baru mcm dh habis idea jer,
cuba tido,mane tau
kot2 dpt ilham..haha
Design yg tu nmpak biasa.
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